I'm really not an ungrateful person at all.
In fact, I appreciate all aspects of what I have and feel blessed to have been so lucky in life, but at times I think I take it for granted. Sometimes I feel as though I am never satisfied, always wanting more and feeling that there are parts of me that are lacking and it gets me down
I don't know what my deal has been lately, but I've been kind of feeling depressed. I'm sure I'll come out of it and I know life will go on, but it's such a bad feeling. I can't pinpoint one certain thing, but it's just a mixture of things.
My allergies are the worst they have been in my whole life. I am miserable every day. The other day I had to remind myself that things could be worse; I could be waking up every morning with cancer and not allergies. Get over it. Be glad you are healthy!
Over the last month, I have learned of three ladies my age that have been diagnosed with cancer. Three?? I just cannot believe it. That is something that just rocks me and terrifies me. How awful. These ladies' lives have been completely turned upside down and changed forever. Actually, one of them is pregnant with twins. How sad.
I am lucky.
I really have nothing to complain about at all. It is the ugly, selfish, jealous person inside of me that begs for more. One of these days God is going to give me something to complain about if I don't relax and enjoy the life I have.
Life's not fair or easy, I do know that.
I know I am not the only one that feels like this. How do you all overcome this?