Friday, July 12, 2013

she's such a sweet blog friend (:

when i got back from here -

i had this waiting for me, wrapped, and shipped from Allison.  

before i went to florida, she had seen my post on what's got me down at the moment, mentally & physcially.
little did i know that when she asked for my address, she would be sending me a care package full of my favorite thing - candy!

what a sweetie.  friends like that are really hard to find, especially via the net.

i was so happy when i got home and laid eyes on the sweet surprise.  what a way to make a girl feel better.  i may or may not have devoured them all the next day.  hey, i was born with a sweet tooth, what can i say. . .

tell me, have any of your blog friends ever sent you anything in the mail or given you a gift?

i still can't believe the few really good friends that i've made in this little world of blogging.  a couple of my most loyal and trusted friends are right here and mean the world to me.  although we haven't ever met in person {yet!}, i still feel like we've known each other for ages.


the GIVEAWAY is winding down!


Susan said...

Amen sister!! I still want to get our play date on the calendar!!!

Caitlin said...

What a great gift :) Blog friends are awesome.

Jess said...

Aren't blog friends just the best? They always know right when to swoop in :)

Janna Renee said...

That is so sweet!