For the holidays, I didn't really feel like baking cookies since I always do that, so I thought what better thing to make than treats for the dogs. I normally have treats and chewy bones stockpiled, but I wanted to try my own. I used cookie cutters that I had, which were a dog bone and a star, and I love the way they turned out.
Essentially we could eat them since they're made with all-natural ingredients, but the combo did not appeal to me. I used organic ingredients when I could, so I don't feel bad when Dutch eats 3 at a time (: They're quite simple to make {basically just like baking cookies} but are more fun, in my opinion, except I never tried the dough.
See the recipe below and make the next time you're in the mood to bake.
Your pooch will appreciate it.
- 4 eggs, divided
- 1 oz olive oil
- 1 tbsp honey
- 8 oz chicken broth
- 10 oz whole wheat flour
- 5 oz all-purpose flour
- 3 oz cornmeal
- 1 cup peanut butter
-- Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together
two of the eggs, the oil and honey. Whisk in the chicken stock.
-- Mix the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour and cornmeal. Slowly pour in the chicken stock mixture,
then add the peanut butter. Mix until the dough comes together, about 1 minute.
-- Divide the dough in half. Roll out each ball of dough
approximately ½ inch thick. Then go crazy and have fun with your choice of cutter. Place on cookie sheet covered with wax paper.
-- Whisk the remaining two eggs and brush the egg wash lightly over
the cookies. Allow to dry for 10 minutes and brush with the egg wash a
second time (the second wash is optional, but gives the cookies a darker
brown color). Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes, depending on
the size of the cookies.
-- A couple of tips:
* The mixture gets super thick so make sure you have a good mixer to mix. I don't and it took a bit more manhandling.
*Also, the first round of egg wash takes longer than 10 minutes to dry, or at least it did for me. I still used the 2 coats though, but could probably forgo the second next time.
*Store the cookies in a ziplock bag or in another container, or even leave out {but out of reach for the dogs or they'll find themselves a tasty treat when you're not looking}. I had some of mine left out on a plate and some in gift bags to pass out. The ones in the bags were pretty soft and more like a peanut butter ball consistency and the ones outside were pretty hard, and more like a milk bone. Your choice though.
The dogs loved these, naturally, and I am going to make these a lot more often. It was pretty fun and they will store up to a couple weeks I'm sure. Fun to make for yourself or even give out as gifts for doggy bday parties or holidays.
You may become more popular because of this. I've had numerous requests for these. As always, there are tons of variations for these and I found the original
here and may stick with it next time or try something with more of beef or pumpkin base. Either way, the dogs will be in heaven.